Fighting Sequence Previs Week 03:Man Character Design

This week , my mission is to assist Sean in advancing the design of the man character.
According to the story, man is a professional killer. The coat, robotic arm, hat, pistol and other elements remind me of McCree in overwatch, or the Mexican-style gang.

sketch by Sean
sketch by Sean

I found a lot of reference pictures that match the role setting from (

reference from OVERWATCH
Hat and face reference
Mechanical arm reference
Mechanical arm reference
Mechanical arm reference
Coat and Mechanical eye reference
Coat reference

I made improvements on the basis of the materials he provided.

draft of arm
The character I finally designed

Through conversation,I am glad that Sean was satisfied with the Mechanical arm, but unfortunately, he felt that the final image did not match the killer in his mind and deviated from his initial design. So this design was used as an alternative. Follow-up ideas (especially modeling) will be refined by him.

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