WEEK 7.1 Body Mechanics

Principle of body mechanics

  • Anticipation
  • Overlap
  • Squash and stretch
  • Timing and weight
  • Staging
  • Ease in and ease out
  • Exaggeration
  • Appeal
  • Secondary action


I chose the character’s bounce as the task of this week. During the production process, I need to pay attention to the character’s pose, stretch, squeeze and overlap during the movement.



The character’s bouncing is the same as the ball’s bouncing concept. There are squeezing, stretching, squeezing and stretching in the air and landing, and then restore to normal size.
This is my first stage pose, key frames 1—7.

Obviously, this is just a rough pose. Regarding overlap, wrist movement, and head movement, further adjustments are needed.

This is the first version I made, and I will improve on this version next.

Firstly, I adjusted the overall position of the curve to make the character stay in the air longer.

The 13th frame is stagnant. I moved the previous keyframes forward one frame, and the following keyframes moved two frames backward.

Follow through and overlapping action

Follow-through and overlapping action are two very closely related topics that generally accomplish the same goal of realistic motion. Follow-through is the idea that certain appendages and body parts might continue to move even after a motion is completed. So if a character with a scarf is running, then they stop suddenly, the scarf will fly forward past the body, then fall back where the character stopped. If a car stops moving, the antenna on top will keep moving for a second. If a cat turns suddenly, their tail might whip around.

Overlapping action is the idea that different parts of a body will move at different rates. So if you walk, your arms will move at a different speed than your head. Both overlapping action and follow-through are ways to provide convincing motion to animation.

Final work

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