Principle of body mechanics
- Anticipation
- Overlap
- Squash and stretch
- Timing and weight
- Staging
- Ease in and ease out
- Exaggeration
- Appeal
- Secondary action

Obviously, this is just a rough pose. Regarding overlap, wrist movement, and head movement, further adjustments are needed.
Firstly, I adjusted the overall position of the curve to make the character stay in the air longer.

Follow through and overlapping action
Follow-through and overlapping action are two very closely related topics that generally accomplish the same goal of realistic motion. Follow-through is the idea that certain appendages and body parts might continue to move even after a motion is completed. So if a character with a scarf is running, then they stop suddenly, the scarf will fly forward past the body, then fall back where the character stopped. If a car stops moving, the antenna on top will keep moving for a second. If a cat turns suddenly, their tail might whip around.
Overlapping action is the idea that different parts of a body will move at different rates. So if you walk, your arms will move at a different speed than your head. Both overlapping action and follow-through are ways to provide convincing motion to animation.